Friday, June 19, 2009

Rooftop thoughts.

Last night we went up on the roof! As always, it was absolutely beautiful. We split up into four groups of five, and each went to one side of the roof. We prayed for the city in the direction of that side, and for the missions that were that way.

It was really cool.

I definitely felt like I was practically praying into people's lives by praying over the city like that. I felt somehow connected to those who fell in my line of sight, and my heart really went out to them, even though I'll probably never meet any of them. Praying for the missions as I looked out at the huge number of lights I saw also really gave me a picture of how much they have left to do.

I realized that the task, without God, is insurmountable. I also realized that without teams like ours coming down to help these faithful churches who continue to work for His glory in Monterrey and the surrounding area, their odds would be even worse.

And that, I believe, is the most important reason for us to go on these trips.
I will always say that the church and people here give way more to the team's lives than we do to theirs, but the small part we can play to help free them up for a greater work is absolutely worth all the money and struggles.

Monterrey needs your prayers. Tejacote needs your prayers. Chiapas needs your prayers. St. Louis needs your prayers.

Thank you for sending us, and setting aside your worry. It is worth it. God is moving.

We love you,

1 comment:

  1. Ian - You truly have a GREAT heart!
    The heart of a missionary.
    God found a willing servant to use when He found you. You are a very talented writer as well.
    Love, your Mom
