Friday, June 19, 2009

Guillermo Habla Dos.

This is William again. Things are going great still. Everyone is healthy and no one is hurt badly.

Today we went into the mountains to Tejocote. It was awesome to see the majesty of God in his beautiful creation. There were some very awesome mountain passes that we went through that were absolutely breathtaking.

The way we got up was so fun and unsafe. We rode in the back of pickups. We had to hang on for dear life, and we all got some nice windburn.

When we got there our truck went around inviting people to the service. The other truck went straight to the church there and waited for us.

At the service we sang lots of songs and a few members of our team shared testimonies. At the end we gave out food bags to the families there. We also passed out dulces (candy) to everyone who came.

When we got home, and after we ate, we went to an anthropological museum that was high on a hill with a good view of the city. Nearby was a huge Mexican flag. It was pretty awesome looking.

Right now I am about to retire for the night, but before that I will tell of what is happening tomorrow. Tomorrow we actually get to have breakfast at 9:00 instead of 8:00. That is a happy thing (but still too early). After breakfast we will go to Revalucion to do a service for the kids there. Some of us will stay back at the church at that time to do some odd jobs.

After that we get to go to a mall/market sort of thing and then to some peoples houses for dinner. That is about it.

Signing Off
-William Keating

1 comment:

  1. Was someone hurt not badly?
    (This sentence reminds me of a letter a kid
    would write home from camp)
