Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hi Mom, I'm Blogging.


So this is my fifth year down here, but this year feels so different. Helen and I are staying with a host family this's a little uncomfortable sleeping in someone's house when you can't even thank them in Spanish properly. We're in the 13-year-old boy's room and he's obsessed with wrestling paraphernalia...enough said. Every night Helen and I have been conversing more and more with the family and less and less with each other (due to increasing's not like we're getting sick of each other). I've been realizing that if I want to communicate with them, I have to accept that I will most definitely feel awkward and make a fool of myself...but it's totally worth it.

Yesterday I painted murals on huge slabs of cardboard for pretty much 8 hours straight. Honestly I would've rather been slinging globs of stucco on a wall, but here I do what I'm told and Al takes advantage of that while he can. Today I think he's going to make me oversee a mural crew at Revoluccion...yay. I love how I always end up doing the two things I dislike the most: leading and team playing.

Tonight: Tamales at Bosques!!

This entry would be so much better if Helen and Brent weren't hovering over my shoulder... I love you guys.

Much love and sweat,


  1. Keep on doing what you're doing. I appreciate your attitude but don't forget to have fun in all you do.
    A section of scripture I like that you might like too- Ecclesiastes 5:18-20!

    Love you,

  2. Hey Jannah! Mom loved this, just so you know.
    Oh, and I love Tamales at Bosques! Best. Night. Ever.
