Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Q & A session!

Part One

Part Two

My mom's questions (and their answers!)

1. Q:With all the airline delays, changes, failed flights - did your luggage stay with you?
A: Well, we didn't go pick it up and take it to the hotel, if that's what you're asking. We just used what we had in our carry-ons and went to Walmart. It was all there in McAllen waiting for us when we got there, though.

2. Q:Also, still curious, did the airlines pay for the hotel?
A: Nope! We had to pay. I guess they expected us to just camp out in the airport... Luckily, we had some money for unexpected expenses that I'm pretty sure covered it.

Transcript of Aundria's many questions
(In case you can't keep up with me saying them because I know I talk fast. Thank you for sending them, by the way.)

1- Are there as many dogs on Chatham Mexico trips as the one you had for school?
2- I would actually be interested about hearing about the food you guys eat.
3- Do you guys like the RGBI in Texas portion better or not-as-better than the Mexico portion?
4- Is there a time difference?
5- What food do you miss most from America?
6- Is anyone jet-lagged?
7- Is anyone getting a tan?
8- (For the end of the trip.) What do you think was the hardest to leave behind?
9- Isn't it super awesome that we can communicate over the computer like this? (Not really a question.)
10- What next-to-come are you most frightened about?
11- What worship song do you guys like to play the most together?
12- Are you really that tapped out of things to type?
13- I love you guys a TON!
14- (For the experienced Mexico, almost Mexican, missionaries.) How does this experience over time? Does it get harder? easier? or just the same? And how does that challenge you?
15- What are you doing tomorrow?
16- Is sleeping in Mexico different than America? How so?
17- Did anyone forget anything?
18- Is this random enough?
19- Are you guys having a great time in general?
20- How are you experiencing God more?



  1. I'd like to see pictures of Pastor Ramon and Miros and Pastor David and Orelia--and any other Gilgal people we've come to know and love. I miss being there and love you guys!


  2. Ian your great! I love the videos. Although all that energy makes me tired just watching/listening. The blog makes it easier to feel part of the team and helps me remember to pray for you.
    Karen Govier

  3. Wow. This video leads me to believe it to be physically impossible for only one person to be talking at any given time. On video, at least.

    I miss y'all.

  4. Ian - Just so you know it was almost (almost but not quite) impossible to hear you answering all of Aundria's questions. It was really fun to watch though!

  5. Greetings "Team Chatham", We enjoyed the video so much with the 20 answers to Aundria. Thanks for all the pictures and texts posted, and we see a lot of hard work and interaction going on with the locals. Keep up the great work keeping us informed. We pray for your time of testimonies and for the kids (and others) to make decisions for Christ. We are so proud of all that we see going on there, and the talent and gifts that God has provided shows through. We miss you. Love from back home, David, Maggie & Amy.
