On Sunday, we woke up, ate breakfast, and hung around a little. Some of us went up on the roof. Then we came down and had a last meeting. Ramon talked to us, and we all said our goodbyes to him and his family, Miros, Ruhama, and Barnabe. We also prayed for his family, and took a few group pictures before piling in our vans and beginning a rather sad drive away. We saw a couple other members of the church driving toward Gilgal on our way out of Monterrey, and they honked at us to say hi. It was actually Sonya's sister in law and husband, our wonderful drivers/tour guides/new friends.
We drove for a couple hours to the border and crossed without any problems, getting to McAllen in good time. We flew to Dallas, and had a two-hour layover in the accursed place, which actually allowed us to have our last group devotion, so it all worked out.
Then we flew home, and you mobbed all of us, and it was great. And we love you all so, so, so much. Really.
God was so good to us on this trip, and I think it's weird to us that it's over. It felt somehow simultaneously really long and extremely short. The beginning, flying out of St. Louis, and spending forever in Dallas, and working at RGBI feels forever ago. But somehow, the trip also feels like it sped through, and the end caught us off guard.
It was wonderful. I love Mexico, and the Mexican people. We all do. I definately have seen people's hearts change this week, and some of us have learned so much.
Thank you so much for all of your prayer and support. It couldn't have happened the way it did without you.
I love you all. Thank you for reading.
Signing off for now,
I just saw this - 8/10